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Fedora 33 Container on RISC-V


This guide will show you the steps of building a docker compliant container image (from scratch) based on Fedora 33 for RISC-V.


Through this guide, we will build our own fedora image for the RISC-V. It requires podman to be installed and configured in the Fedora 33 RSICV Developer virtual machine. From a mocked environment, we will generate a rootfs that we will use for building the container image from scratch.


On the RISC-V virtual machine, install and download the following packages :

# Install mock package
dnf install mock

# Add 'builder' user
adduser builder
usermod -a -G mock builder

Fetch the following resources :

# Mock configuration
mv fedora-rawhide-riscv64.cfg /etc/mock/

# Lorax Kickstart file
mv fedora-docker.ks /home/builder/

# Anaconda RPMs for Fedora 33
mv anaconda-core-33.25.4-1.0.riscv64.fc33.riscv64.rpm /home/builder/
mv anaconda-tui-33.25.4-1.0.riscv64.fc33.riscv64.rpm /home/builder/

# RISC-V Patch for pyanaconda
# TODO: upstream this patch
# src:
# src:

Make a rootfs

Mock is a simple program that will build source RPMs inside a chroot. It doesn't do anything terribly fancy other than populate a chroot with the contents specified by a configuration file.

We will use mock for building a chrootin order to build a clean rootfs using livemedia-creator.

# Disable SELinux
sudo setenforce 0

# Switch to the build user
sudo su - builder

# Go to HOME directory
cd ~/

# Make a directory for results matching the bind mount above
mkdir ~/results/

# Init the mock
mock -r fedora-rawhide-riscv64 --init

# Push Kickstart file
mock -r fedora-rawhide-riscv64 --copyin ./fedora-docker.ks /root/

# Install some more packages and anaconda
mock -r fedora-rawhide-riscv64 --install dracut-network tar lorax libblockdev-plugins-all
mock -r fedora-rawhide-riscv64 --install ./anaconda-core-33.25.4-1.0.riscv64.fc33.riscv64.rpm ./anaconda-tui-33.25.4-1.0.riscv64.fc33.riscv64.rpm

# Patch pyanaconda
mock -r fedora-rawhide-riscv64 --chroot rm /usr/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/pyanaconda/modules/storage/
mock -r fedora-rawhide-riscv64 --copyin ./ /usr/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/pyanaconda/modules/storage/

# Make the rootfs
mock -r fedora-rawhide-riscv64 --chroot --enable-network -- \
  livemedia-creator --resultdir=/results/try-1 --image-only --make-tar --no-virt --ks /root/fedora-docker.ks --image-name=rootfs_fedora.tar.xz --project "Fedora Docker" --releasever "33"

The new rootfs will be located at ~/results/try-1/rootfs_fedora.tar.xz. We will use this artifact for building our scratch image.

You can use mock -r fedora-rawhide-riscv64 --shell for entering an interactive shell inside the chroot. The chroot filesystem can be accessed via : /var/lib/mock/fedora-rawhide-riscv64/ from the host system.

Building a scratch image

Go to results :

cd /home/builder/results/try-1/

Unpack the rootfs :

xz -d rootfs_fedora.tar.xz

Let's create the Dockerfile for our fedora container image :

FROM scratch
ADD rootfs_fedora.tar /
CMD ["/bin/bash"]

Time to build the image !

podman build -t f33-riscv64 .

Test that it works :

podman run -it --rm f33-riscv64 cat /etc/os-release
podman run --privileged -it --rm --entrypoint="/bin/bash" f33-riscv64

This image has been published on, you can pull and test it :

# Pull
podman pull

Publishing to Quay.IO

# Tag
podman tag f33-riscv64:latest

# Push
podman push

This guide has been created and inspired by the following articles and blog posts :